Top 25 Algorithms every Programmer should know ๐Ÿ’ป

Ketan Dhamdhere
Jan 24, 2022


โ€ข Linear search
โ€ข Binary search
โ€ข Depth First search
โ€ข Breadth First search

โ€ข Insertion sort
โ€ข Selection sort
โ€ข Heap sort
โ€ข Merge sort
โ€ข Quick sort
โ€ข Counting sort

โ€ข Kruskalโ€™s Algorithm
โ€ข Floyd Warshall Algorithm
โ€ข Bellman Ford Algorithm
โ€ข Topological sort Algorithm
โ€ข Dijkstraโ€™s Algorithm
โ€ข Flood Fill Algorithm
โ€ข Lee Algorithm

โ€ข Kadaneโ€™s Algorithm
โ€ข Floydโ€™s Cycle Detection Algorithm
โ€ข KMP Algorithm
โ€ข Quickselect Algorithm
โ€ข Booyer-Moore Majority Vote Algorithm

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โ€ข Huffman Coding Compression Algorithm
โ€ข Union Find Algorithm
โ€ข Euclidโ€™s Algorithm

Is there anything left ๐Ÿค” here please feel free to add in comments..!!



Ketan Dhamdhere
Ketan Dhamdhere

Written by Ketan Dhamdhere

to share my thoughts ๐Ÿ’ญ

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